Cold Fire – Making the World a Safer Place
Cold Fire™ is a multi-purpose fire suppressing agent that beats other foams hands-down! Completely ‘green’ and non-toxic, Cold Fire puts out any Class A or B fire, hydrocarbons or non-polar solvents, as well as metals, tires, and asphalt. Also suppresses vapors and helps to remediate spills. Cold Fire is UL listed and is used by fire departments and high-risk organizations all over the world, due to its amazing ability to quench nearly every fire, eliminating the need to carry multiple foam types, like AFFF, AR-AFFF and Class B foams. Just one foam is needed – Cold Fire!
RDR Technologies is National Distributor to fire departments, race tracks, manufacturing facilities, oil and gas companies and many more. We provide Cold Fire concentrate from pails to pallets, and from totes to tankers, as well as extinguishers and other related equipment. Give us a call at 405-306-3062. We’ll get your organization everything you need.
RDR also specializes in fire retardant sprays, paints and coatings, serving the construction industry, schools, hospitals, restaurants, day cares and nursing homes – anybody who gets inspected by the fire marshal or building inspector. For more info on those products, please see
To purchase Cold Fire now, call us at 405-306-3062, or visit our secure shopping cart at

Effective on every class of fire with dilutions as low as 0.25%, makes it an safer, economical choice for every department.

Cold Fire is the favorite at Indianopolis, Watkins Glen and Long Beach because it can handle both petroleum and alcohol-based fuels

Plant-based, eco-friendly and incredibly effective, Cold Fire is what you need to protect your crew and your business.

Available in handy 12 oz. spray cans as well as canister extinguishers, Cold Fire is a simple solution to home fire safety.
UL Classified Wetting Agent – 2N75
Will extinguish class A, class B, flammable metals and grease fires
Meets ANSI/NFPA 18 Standards
- EPA – SNAP listed (Significantly New Alternatives Policy)
- Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) rating of 0,0,0 – same as water
- 100% soluble in water
Extinguishes fires (even oil and alcohol-based fires) quickly and on contact; effective on oil well and tanker fires, tire fires, fuel/ethanol fires, grass, brush and forest fires, and metal fires (including magnesium)
Cold Fire is ONE agent that can replace SEVERAL products – Class A, A/B, 3-6%, AFFF & AR-AFFF.
Click for MSDS sheet